
Ever wonder what you can feed your dog from the Kitchen? I have the answers for you.

There are plenty of healthy foods you can feed your dog right from the kitchen. Always consult with your vet about possible allergies your fur baby may have. Make sure to always feed in moderation and in small pieces.

The Good:

Apples: They are rich in nutrients, Vitamin A, C and Fiber. They promote healthy teeth and cleans their teeth. Apples are great for their digestion. Make sure to remove the core and seeds prior to feeding. Granny Smith, Honey Crisp and Red Delicious are a good go to.

Salmon: Salmon is rich in nutrients including Omega-3 fatty acids which is great for their skin and coat. It is rich in Vitamin B12 and Iron. Always make sure it is cooked thoroughly and always remove the skin.

Chicken: Chicken is rich with protein and has essential fatty acids. Always make sure to cook the chicken thoroughly. Never give your dog chicken bones. They splinter which can cause choking, bowel obstruction and death.

The Bad:

Grapes and Raisins: Never feed your pet grapes. The ingredient tartaric acid can cause kidney failure, which can happen rapidly and could cause death.

Nuts: Nuts contain an ingredient called juglone, that is highly toxic. Specifically Almonds and Macadamia nuts.

Raw and Undercooked Red Meat: While there are raw meat diets made for dogs, human red meat is not recommended due to bacteria such as E-Coli.

Mushrooms: While most store bought mushrooms are ok for your pet to eat, there are many wild mushrooms that we find in our yard that are highly toxic to them. It can cause severe illness and even death. Be aware of random mushrooms growing in your yard and make sure to pull them and throw them out!